Trumvirvel Digital Agency is located in Eskilstuna, Sweden. Customers from Eskilstuna, Sörmland, Sweden and the entire world are welcome.
My name is Anna Enbom and I run this digital agency. Starting this digital agency is a dream since high school, and now I have finally made it come true.
Web development is my interest since 15 years. Coding is my favourite thing to do. When I code I am the most focused and creative. I have a Master in Computer Science and one year of experience of working with web development.
When I started building webpages during high school in the early 2000s everything was very different. One built the layout with tables, used Flash and did not care much about standards. At least the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP are the same. But the main things I keep from those days are the desire to experiment, the feeling that anything is possible and the intention to try things that no one ever has tried before.
I after high school I continued to write code on my spare time. Instead of realizing my dream about starting a digital agency I did all kinds of things. I studied media production, studied science, worked as an electrician and as a journalist, studied text design, worked as a web developer, graduated in Computer Science and studied Arabic.
Before I studied Computer Science at University I wrote code mostly becuase it is fun and because I enjoy learning new things. A benefit with my education is the focus on the entire system development process. Finding out what the customer wants and what the users need, to set and to follow up goals. Thinking more about the overall architechture and write code that is easy to update in the future.
After 15 years of coding plus university education I know the most important web technologies. Becuase I worked as a journalist and took courses in text design I have experiences in of writing, photography and editing. Thanks to 15 years of waiting I have an enourmous committment.
Welcome to my digital agency. I hope that I can make your dream come true.